InUX PlanetbyAlex A. SzczurekList of UX metricsMeasuring the user experience is critical to improving it, and UX metrics are the key to achieving this goal. Different metrics provide…Feb 25, 202317Feb 25, 202317
InUX PlanetbyNick BabichJobs To Be Done (JTBD) in product designWhat is JTBD, how to use it in product design, JTBD vs User PersonaOct 26, 20229Oct 26, 20229
InThe StartupbyLeon HMLUse Cases, User Stories/Statements, and Jobs to Be DoneMaking the case for the user, not the thing you are building.Oct 23, 20193Oct 23, 20193
InJobs to be DonebyAlan KlementReplacing The User Story With The Job StoryToo many assumptions are dangerousNov 12, 201384Nov 12, 201384
InPrototyprbyThalionHow to make Perfect Shadows in UI DesignShadows are everywhere in modern UI Designs. They are one of the most essential part of the UI elements right behind the fill, stroke, and…Jun 24, 202010Jun 24, 202010
InUX CollectivebyJeanette FuccellaBuilding a framework for prioritizing user researchIn September 2020 I joined as the first UX Researcher, with the goal of establishing user research as a separate discipline. I was…Dec 2, 20211Dec 2, 20211
FlowmappWhat Are UX Frameworks and How to Use Them?Just like a navigator shows you the shortest way bypassing traffic jams, UX frameworks lead you from a barely discernible idea to real-life…May 4, 20222May 4, 20222
FlowmappThe Bible of Mobile UX Design: 20 Main RulesDid reading numerous copy-pastes and long reads about mobile UX design make you sick? Well, we understand you, my friend. Therefore…Apr 8, 20222Apr 8, 20222
Michal MalewiczUnpopular approach to UXI’m trying something different. So far, so good.Apr 11, 20225Apr 11, 20225
InUX Knowledge Base SketchbyKrisztina SzerovayEye Tracking: How Users Read Online — Part 2Eye tracking patterns, gaze plots, heatmaps, limitations; central & peripheral visionMar 21, 2022Mar 21, 2022
InUX CollectivebyRobert MayerHow to improve your UI design skillsAs a designer, you’ve probably read a book or two about typography, colors, or even graphic design. Or maybe skimmed through dozens of…Feb 13, 20223Feb 13, 20223
InUX CollectivebyTess GaddThe Library + Flow approach to organizing Figma filesLearn to organize and optomize your Figma files to improve your design processes.Oct 20, 20211Oct 20, 20211
InUX CollectivebyFabricio TeixeiraRounded corners, hierarchical grids, assistive tech, UX vision statementsWeekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.Feb 14, 2022Feb 14, 2022
InUX CollectivebyKarine SabatierHow to help bridge the gap between UX design and codeUX design is a social and collaborative activity. The better designers and developers understand each other, the better the product design…Feb 2, 20222Feb 2, 20222
InUX CollectivebyMegan NgHow to grow as a UI designer the quick (but not the easy) wayThere is no speed limit.Jan 9, 202213Jan 9, 202213
InUX CollectivebyAzharHow To Make Your iOS App Typography NOT suckThe composition of what you design tends to be 80% typography. It becomes even more critical for a designer to have some understanding of…Feb 21, 20184Feb 21, 20184
InPrototyprbyDorjan Vulaj8 Rules for Perfect Typography in UIA study shows that 70 % of User Interface depends on typography as it is the best source of communicating with anyone.Jul 24, 20198Jul 24, 20198
InUX CollectivebyDanny Sapio10 Principles for Typography in UI DesignBest practices, tips, and terminology for using typography in UIDec 15, 20208Dec 15, 20208
InUX CollectivebyLan WangHow to choose the right prototyping tool for your UX/UI designsSharing my experience in using different tools for achieving different design goals.Jun 16, 20202Jun 16, 20202